This event combines the two themes of worship (relationship with God) and unity (relationship with one another). Set in a Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evening format, this conference has impacted churches coast-to-coast.
Suppose I was given a 1957 Chevy. For the most part the car is in good shape but I think I can fix it up a bit. For instance, the interior isn’t as fashionable as I would like so I decide to replace it with the interior from a 21st century Lexus. Hey, that’s much nicer! Now, those fins on the back… they could hurt someone. I’ll just cut those off and make the rear fenders round and smooth. And that gas-guzzling engine has got to go. A nice, little, up-to-date 4-cylinder job will be much more economical. Top it all off with some ultra-modern, electric-green paint and it’s done. Wha’d’ya think?
If you’re an automobile buff you’re probably gagging. You may even be thinking that with all those changes the car is really no longer a ‘57 Chevy. Well, it is… but it isn’t.
Now suppose one of Jesus’ original disciples was transported to 21st century America. If he looked at the Church, would he have the same response? “Well, I recognize a few things but some of the modifications have compromised the basic design.” It’s time for us to take an honest look at the original design. God’s original design for the Church includes two main themes: love God and love one another. Our relationships to the Lord and to one another are the keys that make all the rest of life work. Through the use of scriptural, relevant teaching this conference will help restore these two themes in the Church.
For information about how your church could host this dynamic event click here.